Donate to The Carlisle Brass Band
The Carlisle Brass Band is thankful for our family, friends, and local community for their continued support. Click on the "Donate" button below and follow the directions.
About Brass Band PayPal Donations
Carlisle Band uses PayPal to process our online credit card transactions.
NOTE: You DO NOT NEED a PayPal account to donate online.
You can use your major credit card, debit card or checking/savings account.
PayPal uses state-of-the-art cryptographic algorithms during data transmission (HTTPS with RSA 2048 bit key and SHA 256 certificate) and in their databases (AES 256 encryption with unique per-row keys). Their servers are kept in PCI and SSAE16 certified datacenters with 24x7 monitoring.
When you make your donation, you may do so anonymously.
You also have the opportunity to make your donation recurring monthly.
We will ask for your name and email address but will NEVER share your information.